Organizations Membership
Gremis s.r.o. is a member of the Association of Building Entrepreneurs and a founding member of the Vysočina Building Association, member of the Economic Chamber of the the Czech Republic.
Gremis s.r.o. is a member of the Association of Building Entrepreneurs and a founding member of the Vysočina Building Association, member of the Economic Chamber of the the Czech Republic.
Nadějná triatlonistka Kateřina Mičková, kterou intenzivně podporujeme, je juniorská mistryně ČR v triatlonu v juniorské kategorii (18 - 19 let)! Výkony mladé…
Vážení zákazníci,
Sobota 18.1.2025 zavřeno.
Sobota 25.1.2025 zavřeno.
Děkujeme za pochopení,
Eva Partlová,
vedoucí obchodního úseku